Wednesday, October 12, 2011

one question

Why did nobody tell me how many plants a single seed packet can produce?
What am I going to do with all these plants?
Am I responsible for them just because they all decided to sprout?

Ok so that's more than one question. But I've solved it - those that don't die will go to a market that I'm attending in Hermanus in December and I started transplanting them this weekend...

And here they are, ready to grow nice and big for market day:

In the meantime, I've decided to give those I can't look after away to colleagues who will kindly sponsor some containers. I wasn't prepared for all the yoghurt containers I've received, but I'm just happy the tomato babies are getting happy homes:

Guess what I'm doing tonight? More transplanting. Moral of the story?
  • Don't plant so many seeds (not even one packet is little enough - my balcony can only hold about a quarter of the seeds from that one tomato packet!)
  • Don't plant them so close together that you have to find a hundred containers within a week or two after they've sprouted just to ensure they don't kill each other off.


  1. I wish I was close enough to come collect some:) Are you sending any by airmail???

  2. dear Les, a week ago I would have said no. But I'm afraid they just won't stop growing. So at this point YES, I will send by airmail. Airplane, hot air balloon, doves... anything that will relieve me of all these plant babies! :)


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