Wednesday, February 1, 2012

new year's resolution no 2


Remember Katinka and Pieter, the garden friends who gave the berries? Well, Katinka also helped me fulfill resolution number 2: find nice containers for the plants.

I dragged her with me to the Milnerton Market in Cape Town, since I've heard that it's filled with random bric a brac and I desperately needed to find something nice but cheap. What I had in mind was a basket, a big one. We searched forever. I got sunburnt. We ate ice cream. We saw random stuff. And then, suddenly: a basket! Big, chunky, cheap.

"I'll take it!" I said to the man.
But that's when the trouble started. He pulls out the basket, and there it is - legs. He'd put legs on the basket. Wooden legs. Not on the bottom, but on the side.
Me: what's that?
Man: legs.
Me: I know, but why?
Man: I don't know, I do all kinds of things. Look at this basket (pointing to ugly big white one) - for R80 I'll give you both.
Me (shaking head): no thanks.
Man: no thanks? then what about this? (holding up random little plant holder)
Me: no thanks.
Katinka: no thanks (still staring at legs of basket).

Finally we got away, basket held between us, ice creams in the other hand. Man following us: What about this? And this? (still holding up random stuff).

Lucky for me, I have wonderfull husband who took the legs off. And now the tomatoes, basil, parsley and lemon balm are all safely nestled in their pots inside the basket.

(I still have to sort out other random containers in front of it... but it still looks nice). yay.